What Makes You Feel Sick & Achy in West Jordan, UT? Symptoms of Sinus Cold or Allergies
There are times in the year that people tend to get sick or suffer from allergies. The winter months will bring on some illness that most people have to worry about. Winter has cold weather that sends people in the house and indoors more often. That means you are closer together than you might be when the weather is nice out. The spread of germs that cause illness can be spread from person to person or even from an exposed surface that you come in contact with. There is also a lot of thing happening during the season that mean you are kept busy. The last thing you need is to end up sick but you also don’t want to be the person that continues to spread it. The best thing you can do is to make sure you take care of yourself and you stay home while you are contagious. The problem is that some people are not sure if they are sick or still suffering from allergies. Of course allergies are only a problem for the individual and cannot be spread out to others. ENT Specialists outlines the difference is between being sick and suffering from allergies.
How Long Do Symptoms Last?
There are ways you can tell you are sick and if you are suffering from allergies. One of the things that you can look for is the amount of time that you are not feeling your best. When you are suffering from an actual illness it usually will start to settle in and then might be a few days before it begins to subside. There can be some remnants of the illness for a few days following. If you are just having trouble with your allergies it is not uncommon to have it last for weeks and even months. If you are feeling the symptoms of allergies and they are not getting better in a few days it is likely that you are just dealing with allergies and not another illness. The treatment for an illness or allergies are different so it is a good idea to know what you are dealing with.
Mucus Color from Nose, Throat or Eyes
When it comes to illness such as a cold and allergies there is always a build up of mucus. This might be in your nasal passage, throat and even your eyes. The mucus is something that your body creates as a way to protect yourself. The mucus can be troublesome and can cause some discomfort to the person. The color of the mucus that is being produced can actually tell you if you are sick or if it is allergies. When it comes to allergies you might notice that the runny nose and the mucus is light color such as white or even clear. When you are sick the color will be a more green color and can be tinted with some blood depending on the severity of the illness.
Body Temperature
Lastly you can keep an eye on the temperature of your body. When you are sick with a bacterial infection you will notice that your bodies temperature will go up and that is a way to defeat the illness. When you have allergies you will have a steady body temperature. If you notice that you have a fever it means you have illness rather than allergies.
Ears, Nose, Throat & Allergy Control Treatment
ENT Specialists can help to ensure that your allergies are treated properly. Call us today!
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