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Symptoms, Severity & Treatment for Reactions to Food Allergies in Murray, UT Homes & Schools

Imagine that you are out with your kids having a relaxing picnic lunch and you notice that you child is developing a rash after eating a peanut butter sandwich. Some level of panic will surely set in when you realized that your child could potentially have an allergy to a particular food. A food allergy for kids and adults need to be monitored and treated to ensure that the reaction can be handled safely. The first step is to find out what the allergy was from. It could be peanuts, a particular dye used in the food or so much more. Once you know what it is that your child is allergic to, what can you do next? You can’t keep them locked away in your home day and night and away from any potential exposure at school and other places so you need a plan!

ENT Specialists Outlines Reaction & Treatment Plans for Food Allergies

Levels Of Food Allergy Severity: There are many levels of allergic reactions and what they can do to your child. The severity is usually found out when the child comes into contact with the item they are allergic to. You can have a very mild allergy that can be a stomach ache and hives with itching. It can also be running nose or congestion and an itchy throat. They are fairly manageable and can be treated with the help of a professional. A worse reaction and more severe issue could be swelling of the lips tongue and throat that can result in trouble breathing. The results can even lead to fainting and if not treated right away it can occasionally lead to death. You want to be sure that you take care of any food allergies with a professional right away!

How Long Does an Allergic Reaction Last?: Many people assume that you will have an immediate reaction to an item that you are allergic to. That is true for some types of allergies but there are some that can take a few days to show up. The immediate reaction is called fixed reaction. That means that when you come in contact with that item you will start to have a reaction like the ones that were listed above. The other type of reaction is called cyclic which means that it is delayed. Some cyclic reactions can take up to three days to show up which can make it difficult to determine what you are allergic to.

Food Allergy Care Plan: One of the things that you want to do is to have a plan when you find out that your child has an allergy. You need to work with a professional to find out what the allergy is and what the severity is. The treatment for these types of allergies can differ so use the advice of a professional to have a plan of action.

RAST (Blood Tests) for Food Allergens

At ENT Specialists, half of the problems we treat are probably due, either directly or indirectly, to allergies. Our trained staff will help you pinpoint the exact cause of your allergies and provide the proper medical care to help in your alleviation. Contact us today!

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