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Sneezing Facts in Salt Lake City, UT; Why Do We Sneeze, How Fast Does a Sneeze Travel & More

With flu and cold season upon us, many people will be sneezing. Allergies are just around the corner as well. Sneezing is a reflex we simply can’t control and comes in many forms. With the sneezing you will experience or see others experience, we at ENT Specialists would like to share some fun facts about sneezing.

How Fast Does a Sneeze Travel?

According to some, sneezes can travel up to 100mph, but some have only clocked their those sneezes between 30 and 35 mph. Germ-ridden sprays can project far away. Few suspect sneezes to spread in a five-foot radius, where in some cases, it can land as far as 30 feet away.

Why Do We Sneeze?

Researches dissected why we sneeze in 2012. A biological reboot triggered by the pressure force of a sneeze is much like a temperamental computer that requires a reboot. It resets the environment within nasal passages, when a sneeze works properly, in order to release the contaminants from the particles. The beating of microscopic hairs on the cells that line our nasal cavities is accomplished by biochemical signals that regulate the sneeze.

Photic Sneeze Reflex

Sunlight contributes to sneezing. The only reasons we let a sneeze rip; feather, pepper, colds, flus and pesky allergies. On theory, though there are many, including bright light from a scientific study. A reaction called a photic sneeze reflex causes some people to sneeze due to sunlight. Though not understood, the brain receives to shrink the pupils in the presence of bright light may cross paths with the message the brain receives to sneeze. Sneezing in twos or threes is normal. Leading to multiple sneezes in a row, it often takes more than one attempt to kick those irritants out of the nasal passages.

Why Do We Close Our Eyes when We Sneeze?

There’s not much you can do to keep your peepers open if you happen to be driving when you feel a sneeze coming on. In the lead-up to a sneeze is to close those eyes as part of the message the brain receives.

Does Your Heart Skip a Beat when You Sneeze?

Your heart does not skip a beat mid-sternutation, contrary to urban legend. The stimulation of the vagus nerve that occurs during a sneeze is due to both the deep breath most people take before sneezing.

Holding in a Sneeze

When you feel like you might need to sneeze, there is a type of stifling that can occur and then when the sneeze is already halfway out of your face, there is another type of stifling. Stop trying to stuff that sneeze back in, in the latter case, no matter where you are. Though rare, stifling these sneezes can lead to injury.

How to Stop a Sneeze

Often we have the ability to quiet the urge to sneeze. There are a few tricks that seem to nip a sneeze in the bud if you only have that sneeze-on-its-way tingly feeling. Rubbing your nose, pressing on your upper lip underneath your nose or forcing a big, deep breath out your nose.

Nose & Sinus Treatment & Relief

ENT Specialists are readily available if you find the need. Where sneezing is common, it can indicate another issue. If you are facing allergies or other related health problems, call us today to diagnose the problem and help you find relief.

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