5 Signs of Chronic Sinusitis

Nearly 30 million Americans suffer from sinusitis, sinus infections that happen frequently or last longer than an acute sinus infection. Sinus infections cause an array of symptoms, and learning to recognize those symptoms can help you get treatment that can help you feel better faster.
With offices in Salt Lake City, Murray, Draper, Tooele, and West Jordan, Utah, ENT Specialists offers effective, targeted treatment for chronic sinusitis, so patients can finally find relief. In this post, our team reviews five symptoms that could indicate you need sinusitis treatment, too.
1. Facial pain
You have sinus cavities behind your cheeks, forehead, and nose. When you have a sinus infection, any — or all — of these cavities can become inflamed, irritated, and swollen, causing throbbing facial pain.
Depending on which sinuses are affected and the severity of the infection, you might feel throbbing pain or a deep, dull ache in your cheeks near your nose, behind your forehead, or around your eyes. You may also feel tenderness when you touch these areas.
2. Sinus headache
Facial pain isn’t the only discomfort associated with sinusitis. Many people with chronic sinus infections also have headaches triggered by the infection and inflammation in their sinuses.
As with facial pain, headaches can be centered behind your sinuses in your forehead or around your eyes, but they can occur in other areas, too. You might also experience ear pain or pain around your teeth or jaws, and pain might increase when you are lying down or getting up in the morning.
3. Sore throat
Your sinuses and throat are connected. When you have sinusitis, excess mucus production means extra drainage into your throat, and the infection can spread there, too. That’s why many people with sinus infections also have frequent sore throats.
Postnasal drip causes persistent irritation, which can lead to an annoying cough. Since this particular symptom tends to get worse when you lie down, many people with sinusitis have difficulty getting a good night’s sleep, which can interfere with healing and recovery.
4. Hoarse voice
In addition to causing a sore throat, postnasal drip can cause a hoarse or raspy voice and irritation around your voice box. If you also have a chronic cough, hoarseness often increases and may turn into laryngitis.
5. Congestion
Sinus infections are often associated with thick mucus that can block your airways and make it harder to breathe. At the same time, infections cause swelling that can narrow your nasal passage and cause your nose and sinuses to feel congested or blocked.
Nasal congestion can also make your voice sound different and interfere with your senses of smell and taste.
Treatment for chronic sinusitis
Treatment begins with a comprehensive exam to identify the cause of chronic infections. In most cases, that includes taking a nasal swab to identify the germ that’s causing the infection.
Usually, your provider prescribes medicine to fight off the infection and relieve your symptoms. Other treatment will focus on the underlying cause — that is, what’s causing your infections to persist or recur.
Some people have structural problems in their nasal passage, like a polyp that prevents normal drainage. In these instances, we may recommend surgery to correct the problem that’s increasing the risk of infections, preventing healing, or both.
If you have chronic sinus infections, we can help you find relief and provide treatment to prevent more serious complications. To find out more, book an appointment online or over the phone with the team at ENT Specialists today.
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